Anonymous Trading
Our anonymous ECN, FXTradesTM, comprises hundreds of professional market participants and allows for both passive and aggressive execution of orders as well as central and bilateral clearing. FXTradesTM liquidity is available under the following categories.
- Sweepable (Firm & Last Look) – for ESP execution
- Full amount (Last Look) – for ESP & RFS/RFQ execution
- Full amount (Firm) – for mid-matching (Currenex MIDTM)

Disclosed Trading
Disclosed liquidity is provided by over 60 bank and non-bank FX market makers. This liquidity is available under the following categories:
- Sweepable (Firm & Last Look) – for ESP execution
- Full amount (Last Look) – for ESP & RFS/RFQ execution

Liquidity Management
As part of an initiative to optimise the client experience, we created a dedicated Liquidity Management Team to provide more in-depth statistical analysis of trading activities over the platform.
By closely interacting with our liquidity providers and liquidity takers, the team has successfully enhanced the fill ratios and liquidity quality for many clients.